Farewell Dr Richard Salter

dr-richard-salterParkside Dental Clinic would like to sincerely thank Dr Richard Salter after his recent retirement from full time dental practice for his many years of service to our patients. In addition, his charitable commitments with the Rotary East Timor dental project over the years have been both admirable and inspiring to his colleagues. Dr Salter’s ethos in working for his patients, whether in East Timor or at Parkside Dental Clinic, proved that at the core of the profession there is still true nobility. This is certainly an enduring quality he has shared with his associates, some of which continue in his footsteps to provide regular charitable services to Thailand and Cambodia.

Dr Salter’s Oral surgery services will be taken over by one of several highly regarded Oral surgeons who have had a long association with our practice.


We are a modern professional dental practice that has been providing patients with quality dentistry since being established in 1956.

Our aim is to work as a team to restore dental health with quality care and prevent future problems through continuing education.

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