Cambodia 2017 Update
2017 bought on yet another aid trip to assist Cambodia World family in their provision of providing care for the underprivileged children of Cambodia and providing training and support to the dedicated staff of this great facility in Phnom Penh.
During July 2017 we had a great opportunity to work with, and train the local staff where a considerable amount of time was spent honing the skills of the amazing nurses who act as “therapists” in controlling the dental disease in the absence of volunteers such as ourselves. They generally work under the supervision of Dr Boran who guides the treatment of the children and this provides a great service to the children who attend the facility where help is always needed but they are always heavily understaffed.
Nonetheless, the trip was a great success, we accomplished much, and left the staff with valuable skills they will no doubt use everyday. My sincere appreciation must be given to GC Australia, 3M and Gunz for the donations given to make this trip possible and the all staff at the clinic for making my stay both safe and enjoyable.
Dr Ross Napoli